I've been preparing all week for another great show. This one, sure to be one of my favorites with live music (Old 97's, Polyphonic Spree, and Robert Earl Keen), crafts, food (hooray funnel cakes!), and some tasty carbonated hops. I am so excited to be previewing a new design from an older 'found' box of goodies. Let's just say that
Val will be happy to see these babies go to good use AND with jewelry involved. The City of Carrollton's new
Festival at the Switchyard is going to be a blast! Oh, and don't they have the most adorable mascot
EVER? This is Traxx.
I have seen Carrollton (a suburb of Dallas for those non-Texans) grow over the past 12 or so years due in large part to the 'newly' built and still expanding, George Bush Turnpike. This toll road, pretty much built in my front yard, has cut 30 minute drives/commutes in half for a large part of the metroplex. Although I will admit that I don't like dishing out money to drive on pavement that my taxes should have already paid for, it is an amazing time saver.

This year, the city's
Festival will be unveiling a much anticipated
other form of transit. Yes,
public transit...gasp! An amazing concept that I am happy to say has finally reached us. Downtown Carrollton will be home to the latest station to connect Dallas via the DART railway system. Other station constructions in the area are underway as well. I had been waiting and hoping for this to happen for several years (since the Denton college days) and am so very excited to see my new home town moving forward.
I will admit that a lot of yesterday was spent tweaking my displays for the change in tent size from previous shows. Thus, the promised "display tutorial" will be for next week so check back. Oh, I know I know...but I promised. Well, think of it this way: you'll get even more info on
what NOT to do as this mad scientist, yet again, experimented to the point of exhausted eureka-style happiness.
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