Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Local Fruits/Veggies/Flowers/Herbs and Handmade Gifts? Coppell this Saturday!

     If you're looking for something to do this Saturday morning, the 30th, (and yes, that's morning as in 8am-12pm) then you need to head over to the beautiful city of Coppell and experience their fantastic Farmer's Market.  Oh, this isn't just any weekend, it's their annual Fall Festival with so much more!!!  HoI will be there this Saturday, the 30th to display some new goodies that will blow your mind (and not your pocketbook). I haven't even had a chance to take pics of my newest designs of funky and definitely one of a kind jewelry. 
   So, before you get all crazy and start dressing up for those Halloween parties that night, stop by for some local homegrown of all kinds.  Some fresh flowers for your party, or a thank you gift?  Some yummy veggies and fruit to boost your antioxidants before you start downing the "adult" beverages? Some whimsical (and in some  people's minds) Halloween-worthy accessories.  We'll have it all this weekend.  Hope to see you there!

P.S.  Their Pun'kin patch is the best!!! Real, awesomely imperfect pumpkins with character!  No FDA approved pumpkins in this patch, they're awesomely gnarly!


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dallas Hurricanes, Cowboy Boots, & Good Friends

    As I've mentioned, this past weekend was Carrollton's first annual festival and it was a huge success!  Despite the small hurricane that blasted through Dallas last Saturday, I did manage to stay happy, warm, and optimistic with help from a lot of friends, both new and old.
   Friday was a whirlwind of setups, rearranging, lots of lifting, and finally....relaxing excitement. Michell was there to keep me on track (aka remind me what I was supposed to be doing) and was such a huge help.  She educated me in the delicacy that is the Fletcher's corndog AND kept me out of the local antique boutique! I also met Oscar, the first curious merchant to step out of his store and ponder at my odd display setup. I wasn't paying much attention as I tried to carry on a brief conversation about what I made and sold, all while scurrying around in circles. Unbeknown to me,  Oscar is the warm and friendly owner of  Custom Color Fine Jewelers! Ha! His store was located just a bit behind my booth and they provided me with some much needed dry space, friendly conversation, and a complimentary ring cleaning while we weathered out Saturday's storm.  Their specialty custom jewelry was to die for! Every color of sapphire imaginable set in unique matte silver bracelets/cuffs and one of a kind platinum pendants.

   Saturday's weather was starting to put me out until Lizzie came to see me!  Lizzie, for those who don't know, is one of The Artful Bead's most valued customers, a favorite student of mine, and a gifted jewelry maker who likes to try almost anything. Lizzie likes to think of herself as my PR Manager or Marketing Coordinator and she does a fantastic job, lol.  I'm still a bit shy when it comes to introducing my work but she makes sure everyone (the family dog included) knows that Lindsay's jewelry is "out of this world". Thanks Lizzie for the support, the company, and helping me get my booth moved. Val and BBear were there to help me as well, I couldn't ask for better friends, really. 

   Yep, you read that right, my booth was moved.  After the downpour in the afternoon, the Festival coordinators and volunteers were helping all the remaining vendors/crafters move their tents to a better location. I ran into Ken, (or did he run into me), from Vintage Martini in the process and was able to set up right outside of his shop.  Ohhhh, now I knew this spelled trouble but I couldn't resist!  After finding this jewel of a boutique last year (yes, I'm a late bloomer) I have had to refrain, many times, from drooling all over their merchandise.  They simply have THE best in quality vintage clothing and accessories in Dallas.  Not to mention the hilarious gift cards by Ken (I'm presuming). My Amykins enjoyed "The Martini" as much as I did and walked away with a new forest green hat!  After all that fun, she was still able to help me load up!  It was a great (if exhausting) weekend.

   I'll be doing one last show (until December) this coming Saturday at the Coppell Fall Festival Farmer and Crafts Market.  I hope to see you there!


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Carrollton's Festival at the Switchyard - $5 This Weekend

  I've been preparing all week for another great show.  This one, sure to be one of my favorites with live music (Old 97's, Polyphonic Spree, and Robert Earl Keen), crafts, food (hooray funnel cakes!), and some tasty carbonated hops. I am so excited to be previewing a new design from an older 'found' box of goodies. Let's just say that Val will be happy to see these babies go to good use AND with jewelry involved. The City of Carrollton's new Festival at the Switchyard is going to be a blast! Oh, and don't they have the most adorable mascot EVER?  This is Traxx.
   I have seen Carrollton (a suburb of Dallas for those non-Texans) grow over the past 12 or so years due in large part to the 'newly' built and still expanding, George Bush Turnpike.  This toll road, pretty much built in my front yard, has cut 30 minute drives/commutes in half for a large part of the metroplex. Although I will admit that I don't like dishing out money to drive on pavement that my taxes should have already paid for, it is an amazing time saver.
   This year, the city's Festival will be unveiling a much anticipated other form of transit.  Yes, public transit...gasp! An amazing concept that I am happy to say has finally reached us. Downtown Carrollton will be home to the latest station to connect Dallas via the DART railway system.  Other station constructions in the area are underway as well. I had been waiting and hoping for this to happen for several years (since the Denton college days) and am so very excited to see my new home town moving forward. 

  I will admit that a lot of yesterday was spent tweaking my displays for the change in tent size from previous shows. Thus, the promised "display tutorial" will be for next week so check back. Oh, I know I know...but I promised.  Well, think of it this way: you'll get even more info on what NOT to do as this mad scientist, yet again, experimented to the point of exhausted eureka-style happiness.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Two down, one to go...for October that is.

     It's Sunday, the day whose night I usually end up contemplating whether to watch Ghost Hunters (your smirk appropriately inserted here) or be productive.  Tonight, it's neither.  Instead of my mind winding down after a long weekend at the Plano Centre Crafts Show, it won't stop to rest.  Millions of thoughts concerning business practices, etiquette, improvement, marketing, etc. are all I'm thinking of.
     Had I not been fortunate enough to lovingly wiggle my way into my second home, The Artful Bead, I would most definitely be overwhelmed right now. Here, I have learned invaluable information that calms the anxious fears of any entrepreneur.  Instead, I'm exhilarated (and still anxious). I suppose I've always liked a challenge. Probably one of the reasons I miss going to school.  (Yep, never thought I would say that either) No tests, no deadlines, no goals? Boring! 
     One thing to keep in mind when measuring these goals: measure them against yourself, your imagination, and capabilities and no one/nothing else. Otherwise, you'll never be satisfied.
More on this upcoming weekend's Festival at the Switchyard !
YES- live music, beer, crafts! Only $5 to spend a gorgeous weekend outside at Downtown Carrollton's Yearly Fair/Festival.
Also, a step by step "how to" on a handmade,low-cost display case (with pics) coming in just a few days.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Crafter's iPhone App

The Artful Bead, 2 locally owned bead stores located in the DFW area, have recently released a new App for the iPhone!  This is amazingly awesome!

"Every bead weaver, knitter, quilter, or embroiderer has wondered “what size is that bead?” This app is the solution. Precisely sized, accurately shaped drawings of all common sizes and shapes of Japanese seed beads, so you can thread a few beads on a needle or wire, lay them on the screen, and easily determine what they are. Included are bead counts per gram for the same beads, and reference tables for wire gauges and metric/US length conversions."

Read more about it here.

Friday, October 1, 2010

THE Bishop's Art District Urban Street Bazaar- This Weekend


  I'm starting to realize I'm having a hard time sitting still as the weekend draws VERY near.  I'm excited!  The rapidly growing and re-vamped area of South Dallas, known as Oakcliff, is home to The Bishop's Art District.  This little mecca of friendly, diverse, and just plain happy people is host to The Make Studio's 11th Urban Street Bazaar this weekend.

  Happy. That simple word is really what comes to mind to describe the people perusing the indie boutiques, vintage shops, art galleries, florists, sweet shops, delis, and fantastic restaurants/bars.  Really, if you think about it,  it has always been the people who make the places.  No matter how cool or fashionable a venue is (whether it be a shop or a bar), it isn't going to be there very long without a following of loyal patrons.  What I've witnessed so far is that the people of Bishop's are a genuinely friendly, smiling, look-you-in-the-eye kind of group. 

 I'm not just talking about the shop owners here.  You could argue that they have an "agenda" because they're running a business.  But, I would wager that one visit would turn your opinion around in a heartbeat.  Just last week, on a Friday night, I visited Zola's Everyday Vintage  (one of my favs) and the newest addition  to Bishop's,(with whom I was really impressed) Dirt Florist.  Again, I was surprised by the warmth and easy conversation that unexpectedly developed with the respective owners, having never met either of them before.

 So, the business owners are inviting.  Is that not enough for you?  Well then, how about doing a little social experiment.  I want to encourage  you to keep your head up when you're out and about this weekend.  It's something I have still have to consciously think about but it really makes you see how a simple gesture, like making eye contact with a stranger, is often absent in our lives. Absent a lot from what I have noticed. Well, that's not the norm here.  Perfect strangers of all social genres and ages actually smile and speak to each other as they stroll the sidewalks. When recently asked what I value and look for when initiating a friendship I named trust and honesty as extremely important. It sounds cliche, but you can tell so much from looking into someone's face...that is, if they will even look you in the eye. 

  I can't say that Bishop's is a "haunt" of mine, but I don't even have haunts!  So, I'll just say that it is fast becoming a place that encourages casual and friendly encounters that are guaranteed to be full of interesting topics, atmospheric aesthetics, guessed it, eye contact.  That's the kind of place that makes me  happy and I'm guessing it's contagious!

  So, if you haven't had a chance to take the easy drive to visit this gem, do so this weekend (yes, the weather is going to be GORGEOUS)  for the Urban Street Bazaar (running from 12-8pm Sat and 12-4pm Sun) and check out not only the one of a kind handmade vendors on the streets, but stop to visit a new boutique and restaurant, or might just find a new favorite.    

I'll be there, so make sure to stop by and say "hi!"
